Hi, I'm Bryan.

Formerly Design Director at Fouroom in Berlin. Since 2021, independent designer based in London with focus on branding and art direction.

FlatDesk. A functional look with catchy fluid icons and technology gradient backgrounds, Flatdesk is the perfect choice for your software startup, software or IT company.
Ofelia. Ofelia is a template made for every artist, designer, and creative alike. Showcase your portfolio and art shop, it is filled versatile elements and layouts.
Codebase. A multipurpose template for technology and software companies. In dark mode with vibrant gradients and shapes.
Salma. Designed for impact. Promote your ethical brands for more sustainable future.
Louis. Louis is an UI Kit used by designers and agencies looking for a bold presence. Perfect for creators in digital and analog environments with light & dark modes and portfolio CMS template. Made by Fouroom.